About Broken Hill
St Patrick's Day Races - Emaroo Cottages Luxury Accommodation Broken Hill NSW
Today visits the Outback Capital - Emaroo Cottages Luxury Accommodation Broken Hill NSW

This week the Today crew broadcast it's show live from the Gateway to the Outback!
Read the full storyTaylor ‘Tex’ Walker. One of Broken Hill’s sons.

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Broken Hill Solar Farm
A huge solar generation farm sits just out of Broken Hill adjacent to Willyama Common. The solar farm’s 670,000 solar panels have the generating capacity to meet the electricity needs of 17,000 homes.
Read the full storyWhat’s the weather like in Broken Hill?
Discovering Broken Hill and the Outback beyond

Tri State Safaris - your guides for Broken Hill and the Outback
Emaroo Cottages’ ‘go-to people’ for touring Broken Hill and beyond is Tri State Safaris. Joanne and Mike, Tri State Safari principals have been taking people on local and outback tours around Broken Hill and beyond for 24 years - they certainly know their way around the district and region.
History of Australian 'Afghan' Camaleers - Emaroo Cottages Luxury Accommodation Broken Hill NSW

"The 1800’s sought to unlock the inhospitable interior of Australia. Horses, and to a lesser degree donkeys and bullocks, were the traditional beasts of burden on early expeditions into Australia's interior. Many of these expeditions ended in disaster and tragedy."
Read the full storyTwo Up - Emaroo Cottages Broken Hill Luxury Accommodation

So as we head towards our national day - here's a little gem that is regarded as 'Traditionally Australian!'
Read the full storyBroken Hill Artists - Pro Hart
Broken Hill Artist - Pro Hart - Rebuked by the art establishment - loved by people and so is often known as the People's Painter
Read the full storyBroken Hill Artists - Jack Absalom
Jack Absalom is an artist, author and adventurer living in Broken Hill.
Read the full storyNew Years Eve 2015/16 – Emaroo Cottages Luxury Accommodation Broken Hill NSW

Emaroo Cottages are the perfect place for you and your family to bring in the New Year and celebrate the year that was 2015!
(Photo courtesy of Broken Hill City Council Web Page)
Read the full storySwimming in Broken Hill – Emaroo Luxury Accommodation

With temperatures set to soar this week why not beat the heat at Broken Hill Regional Aquatic Centre
Read the full storySilverton and Mad Max - Emaroo Cottages Luxury Accommodation Broken Hill
Something for everyone

If you're about town this weekend don't forget to check out the Broken Hill Community Markets (who also get the photo credits). Emaroo Cottages - Luxury Accommodation Broken Hill
Read the full storyHistory of Broken Hill NSW

One of the reasons so many people visit Broken Hill in Outback NSW is to experience its mining history and its outback landscape.
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